Friday, April 4, 2008

It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls of independent means.

Had one of those astonishing "Wow, this song is oddly appropriate" moments yesterday.

If you are rational, indifferent, have a vagina, and would not mind listening to me whine and/or giving honest advice as necessary, you should give me a call. Your services would be greatly appreciated--I'm tired of being told what people think I want to hear (conversely, I'm also through with unwarranted paternalism and people who aren't related to me who think they know what I need--maybe I'm just fickle). For now, I'll just settle for a nice shower instead.

I came to the realization that I spend a ridiculously depressing amount of time thinking "Wow, I wish I would have thought of that" to myself. Ouch!

On another note, I got one of those Faith-in-Humanity boosts from an incredibly unexpected source the other day. I don't know if "reconcilation" is the right word for it, because we never really knew one another in the first place (save for some wildly misinterpreted third party information we'd heard about each other), but it was good to talk things through civilly instead of the potential catfight I had, for some reason, always envisioned ensuing. She seems like a decent sort and frankly, any questionable actions are entirely justifiable and I'm frankly a little angry at myself for even letting myself be convinced otherwise momentarily. Some people just need someone to talk to, donchaknow.

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