Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm sittin' here lookin' at the teevee, burnin' holes in everything that I can.

I made my triumphant return to the smog-filled metropolis of Houston, Texas to find that the livin' is, unsurprisingly enough, hell. The fan in my room is broken, my car's air conditioning is kaput and I'm currently too po' to fix any of it. Because of this, I've been driving with my windows down. After dropping my beloved compadre Maddy off (she kindly accompanied me on my epic hunt for the elusive mythical beast known as "Summerus Retailus Jobius," a traditional rite of passage in several countries throughout the western hemisphere), I decided to take action before I have any excuse to be cynical about this situation (yeah, I know what a swell attitude that is--shutupshutupshutup, it's called "Murphy's Law," bitches). Cue a one-man sing-along to Bjork's "Venus as a Boy" with the bass turned up and the windows down at 60 MPH! Woo!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Comprehensively meaningless.

Okay fine, Karma! You can stop now! I get it already!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?

My apologies for the last entry; it was a bad night and I was a bit frustrated after realizing that I'm in a bit of a stalemate with my current prospect. I of course chose to channel my frustrations through that one form of catharsis possibly unhealthier than not saying anything at all: ONLINE JOURNALING! You see, I can usually rely on my good ol' Compaq to bluescreen before I actually post whatever I write, but the gods chose not to spare me such embarassment this time around. This is for the record: I'm perfectly content with my Sci-Fridays and Dorothy Parker-filled evenings (spinster training!) and like to think that I am not nearly as pathetic as virtual sources would imply. I keep this thing primarily for my own personal amusement, which explains the utter lack of substance; I never really expected anyone to acknowledge, much less give a shit about my online presence. It's flattering, humbling, and bit odd, truthfully. So hello, readership! Nice to know ya!

Instead of preparing for finals, I've been looking into exchange opportunities that I probably won't be able to pursue if I don't start getting my lazy ass in gear. Hmm. Right now, my top choice through UNT is University of Leeds in...well, Leeds, England. Apparently Tolkien taught linguistics there for about five years before writing Lord of the Rings and going on to teach at Oxford. My nerdly heart just started goin' pitter-patter.

1. Politics
2. Religion
3. John Cage
4. 4chan

That is all.